English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "yanƙara" ita ce samun gajeriyar raƙuman ruwa ko motsi marasa gajarta, da rashin daidaituwa, sau da yawa ta hanyar iska ko igiyoyin ruwa; mai yawan jujjuyawar alkibla ko gudu, ko alamar canje-canje ko katsewa kwatsam. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa teku ko jikin ruwa wanda yake da ƙaƙƙarfan raƙuman ruwa gajere. Gabaɗaya, "yankakken" yana nuna rashin santsi ko daidaiton motsi ko motsi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The water became scary choppy and we was both wet before long.
  2. Ruane PROLOGUE Somewhere in The English Channel A FISHING BOAT BOBS ON CHOPPY WATERS, as its captain scans the horizon with a spyglass.
  3. Twice waves thundered in, completely covering the women, but they persevered, slithering on the bands of shingle between the sand until the boats were tossing on the choppy water.
  4. It punched through the railing, and the roadbed was replaced by a series of choppy greycaps.
  5. The hill ran down to a beach, and a choppy sea stretched out beyond it.
  6. As usual, the northern side of the structure held back choppy, rough water flowing in from Puget Sound while the southern side appeared calm.
  7. Splashing down into choppy green, they began their descent to the muddy bottom, some two hundred feet below.
  8. The Tay was grey and choppy, with a vicious current, but it offered more chance than he had here.
  9. There was springing up a choppy wind, and I could not leave the helm.
  10. The Confederate crew cheered wildly, with the men at the stern mitrailleuse loading and firing again, missing their target as both ships manoeuvred on the choppy sea.