English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mawaƙa" ƙungiya ce ta mawaƙa waɗanda suke yin wasa tare, yawanci a cikin coci ko wani wurin addini. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ɓangaren cocin da ƙungiyar mawaƙa ke amfani da ita yayin hidimar addini. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “coir” azaman fi’ili don kwatanta aikin waƙa ko yin a matsayin ƙungiyar mawaƙa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Choir was in the small auditorium, in a domed building adjacent to the main body of the school.
  2. The service started with singing by what was called a choir but was more gospel ensemble than traditional choir.
  3. It was dark and dreary, and the seats were hard wood instead of the plush cushions of the new auditorium, but the choir students liked it for its character.
  4. I text Robert and in a few seconds, the beam from a spotlight in the choir loft swings to and fro near the entrance, searching for Bryan.
  5. Those bodies inside, added to the Katherine Delp murder, put the whole thing beyond church choir intrigue.
  6. My head continued to throb, but I had to go to choir.
  7. Before I had a chance to move forward, Stacey from choir cornered me.
  8. It was like a demon choir, screaming to get into heaven, pissed at god.
  9. A rumbling bass I would love to add to the choir, provided he can carry a tune.