English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni daban-daban na kalmar "chip". Ga wasu daga cikin ma’anar ƙamus ɗin da aka fi sani: , ganewa, ko kuma a matsayin wani ɓangare na na'urar lantarki ƙaramin yanki na abinci, kamar guntun dankalin turawa ko guntun cakulanalama ko aibi a saman wani abu, kamar su. guntun fenti ko guntu a cikin gilashin guntu ko guntun da aka karye daga wani abu mafi girma, kamar guntun itace ko guntun dutse busasshiyar takin saniya da ake amfani da shi azaman man fetur (a cikin Ingilishi na Ingilishi)Takamammen ma’anar kalmar nan “guntu” na iya dogara da yanayin da ake amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. It felt like he had just opened the oven to check on the chocolate chip cookies!
  2. It was minty chocolate chip and strawberry with a chocolate flake and rainbow sprinkles.
  3. Tears, walks on the beach, pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and fifths of tequila became my life.
  4. I reached over to grab a chip as he took his seat on the other side of Emma, and she slapped my hand.
  5. Inside, the smell of old books mingled with the scent of chocolate chip cookies.
  6. When he shoved a bean-dip-laden chip into his mouth, he groaned.
  7. The tracking chip slid out, sticking in a crimson blob on his thumb.
  8. It appeared to be a small metal chip of some sort.
  9. Even with a chip, I fastened the chain around my neck.
  10. Another waiter passed by and I snagged a bite of ceviche topped with avocado on a tortilla chip.