English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "chimera" ita ce:(noun) wata halitta ta tatsuniyoyi da jiki da kan zaki da jelar maciji ko dodo, kuma galibi ana siffanta su da fikafikai. da kan akuya a bayansa. ko ƙirƙira.A yadda ake amfani da zamani, ana amfani da kalmar “chimera” a misaltacciya don yin nuni ga wani abu da ya haɗu da abubuwa daban-daban, ko kuma wani abu da ake zato ko kuma ba zai yiwu ba. >


  1. chimaera

Sentence Examples

  1. But there was no time the explosion thundered, earth gaped, the smoke which hurled through the clefts obscured the sky the sea flowed back as though driven by the blast of flame which darted from the grotto as if from the jaws of some gigantic fiery chimera the reflux took the bark out twenty toises the solid rocks cracked to their base, and separated like blocks beneath the operation of the wedge a portion of the vault was carried up towards heaven, as if it had been built of cardboard the green and blue and topaz conflagration and black lava of liquefactions clashed and combated an instant beneath a majestic dome of smoke then oscillated, declined, and fell successively the mighty monoliths of rock which the violence of the explosion had not been able to uproot from the bed of ages they bowed to each other like grave and stiff old men, then prostrating themselves, lay down forever in their dusty tomb.
  2. They entered the house beyond, one decorated with colourful frescoes and tapestries depicting pegasi and mermaids and a multi-headed chimera.
  3. A hot blast of heat burst over her, and, to her dismay, Elizabeth realized the chimera had caught up to her.
  4. I have never yet seen any book of chivalry that puts together a connected plot complete in all its numbers, so that the middle agrees with the beginning, and the end with the beginning and middle on the contrary, they construct them with such a multitude of members that it seems as though they meant to produce a chimera or monster rather than a well-proportioned figure.
  5. The nanobots on each side amassed, the red lights becoming a massive sea dragon, the ones defending the boats, a chimera of endless color.
  6. I grabbed a vial of crushed Chimera scales and held it at the ready.
  7. The chimera had taken to the air and now blew flames towards her.