English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "checkered" yana da tsarin canza murabba'i ko rectangles, yawanci a cikin baki da fari ko a cikin launuka masu bambanta. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da aka yi masa alama ta lokuta dabam-dabam na arziki ko abubuwan da ba za a iya amincewa da su ba, kamar aikin tantancewa ko abin da ya gabata.

Sentence Examples

  1. She had already blown past the checkered flag at the alcohol races, Mario realized.
  2. Rigel Fowler, stood covered in a myriad of brown skins and furs over his uniform, checkered with blood.
  3. She spread a red and white checkered tablecloth over a patch of clover and knelt on one corner of it.
  4. A litter of empty tins showed that the place had been occupied for some time, and I saw, as my eyes became accustomed to the checkered light, a pannikin and a half-full bottle of spirits standing in the corner.
  5. It was Carol, wearing hot pink shorts over a lime-green leotard, with purple leg warmers and black-and-white checkered tennis shoes.
  6. She left the kitchen and stopped next to the dining room table in her green and white checkered sundress like she was a good housewife.
  7. It is a park checkered by pleasant highways and avenues.
  8. The housekeeper went to the window and pulled back the red and white checkered curtain.
  9. Not every family sings carols and plays The Checkered Game of Life.