English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "chassis" ita ce firam, ƙafafu, da injin abin hawa, musamman mota ko jirgin sama, wanda aka tallafa wa aikin jiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsari ko tsarin asali na tsari ko kungiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. At shipyards, cranes lifted these containers off their chassis and moved them directly onto ships for transport overseas.
  2. Janis found him in the center of a three-story rusted chassis.
  3. It watched, its ephemeral body laced through the infinitesimal cracks that ran through the chassis, hiding in the engine and the exhaust, seeping into the darkness beneath the seats, filling the storage container on its back, edging onto the hard tarmac below.
  4. I rewelded that chassis so many times it was a death trap.
  5. A nostalgic metallic ping, the noisy fan on the back of the boxy computer chassis, and the low whirring of a hard drive were a veritable angelic choir.
  6. Riding through the deepening twilight in the rusty pickup truck cab between two Hopi men was a quiet affair except for the constant rattle and squeal of old bolts and factory welds from its chassis, which must have been assembled during the Kennedy administration.
  7. Ruck jumped down onto the metal of the chassis, causing the shell to shake.
  8. He has a titanium chassis, made mobile by class five motors and actuators.
  9. Now it travelled on four wheels with a chassis built over them, and it could go up to thirty miles an hour on smooth terrain.