English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na sadaka shine "bayar da taimako na son rai, yawanci ta hanyar kuɗi, ga mabukata." Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ƙungiyar da aka kafa don ba da irin wannan taimako. A faffadar ma’ana, sadaka tana iya komawa ga ruhin alheri da kyautatawa ga jama’a, da kuma ayyukan kyautatawa da jin dadin jama’a da ke neman inganta rayuwar mutane ko al’umma baki daya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I suggested you might have crossed paths at a charity event but was corrected in rather gruff and definite terms.
  2. She had been particularly unwell, however, suffering from headache to a degree, which made her aunt declare, that had the ball taken place, she did not think Jane could have attended it and it was charity to impute some of her unbecoming indifference to the languor of ill-health.
  3. He, as soon as he saw himself clothed like one in his senses, and divested of the appearance of a madman, entreated the chaplain to permit him in charity to go and take leave of his comrades the madmen.
  4. I imagined doing weddings, art openings, charity balls, fashion shows, and elegant, sophisticated soirees.
  5. Well, I must finish my needlepoint for the charity auction.
  6. After her own diagnosis, Gina founded Girls Love Mail, a national charity that collects handwritten letters of for women with breast cancer.
  7. According to a recent report by the charity, Oxfam, the growth in the gap between rich and poor is growing at an ever faster rate.
  8. He lost all patience when he considered the laziness and want of charity of his squire Sancho for to the best of his belief he had only given himself five lashes, a number paltry and disproportioned to the vast number required.
  9. Her crime, and thus her harsh punishment, was the crime of showing compassion and charity to those she knew to be innocent.
  10. Not even charity shops sold the sort of outmoded gear he favoured.