English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "charade" nau'in wasa ne na kalma wanda kalma ko jimla ke wakilta da haɗin hotuna, haruffa, ko sautuna masu nuni ga ma'anar kalmar ko jumla. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani aiki ko riya da aka yi nufin yaudarar wasu ko kuma yanayin da abubuwa ba kamar yadda suke ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Daerwyn opened his coat enough to flash something at them, and the man and woman resumed their charade as he slipped through the door.
  2. Since Connor was leaving, I could offer Carla a few tips on the paper and end this charade.
  3. Miss Woodhouse, what a pity that I must not write this beautiful charade into my book!
  4. here is the charade you were so obliging as to leave with us thank you for the sight of it.
  5. Where would be the use of his bringing us a charade made by a friend upon a mermaid or a shark?
  6. Depend upon it, he would not like to have his charade slighted, much better than his passion.
  7. He called for a few moments, just to leave a piece of paper on the table containing, as he said, a charade, which a friend of his had addressed to a young lady, the object of his admiration, but which, from his manner, Emma was immediately convinced must be his own.
  8. House Staerleigh was pleased that the Toran Stowley business had been resolved with as little fuss and inconvenience to them as possible, and both Burl and the Elders felt Kila had played his part in that particular charade.
  9. Why go through the charade of asking her all those questions, when I had already known what the answers would be?
  10. But take it away, and all appropriation ceases, and a very pretty gallant charade remains, fit for any collection.