English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "char" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu daga cikin ma’anar ƙamus na gama gari: Sunan ma'ana wani yanki na wani yanki da aka kone, kamar yadda yake a cikin "Akwai 'yan tudu a cikin murhu." mace mai kwarjini ko mata masu shara, musamman ma mai tsaftace gidaje ko ofisoshi, kamar yadda yake cikin “Ta yi aikin char ga iyalai da yawa a unguwar.” mai kafa biyu, kamar a cikin “Saraki ya hau motarsa ta hanyar titunan birni.” , daidai da ɗaya cikin goma sha shida na inci.

Sentence Examples

  1. It only took one sip for me to decide most certainly how much I hated it, but both Hawke and Char drank at theirs eagerly as they shared stories of days long past.
  2. Char settled to break it with a sigh and a grunt as he heaved himself to his feet once more.
  3. Char still sat holding Hawke, but his face drooped in confusion.
  4. Without hesitation, the man he called Char accepted gladly and took my companion in a hug that looked capable of crushing bones.
  5. He stopped us a scant few paces from the dropoff, my eyes instinctively clasping shut, but Char gave my hand a little shake.
  6. Char, meanwhile, had already been pulling out thick pelts and laying them around the fire.
  7. I thought we had grown closer since our short stay with the Medicine Man and the brigands who called themselves the Mad Riders, yet aside from our stay with Char, the Old Kingdom appeared to hold nothing but dark tidings for the man that had freed me.
  8. Though I was more than a little intimidated by his grotesquely large frame, I was soon standing directly in front of Char, craning my neck just to look him in the eye.
  9. Finally realizing his folly, Char loosened his hold and let Hawke snake free and suck down some much appreciated air.
  10. Char fumed right alongside him but only responded by thumping back to the ground and picking at the remains of his food.