English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "hargitsi" yana da hargitsi, ruɗani, da rashin ƙarfi. Yana nufin yanayin cikakken rashin lafiya da rudani, sau da yawa yana faruwa daga rashin tsari ko sarrafawa. A cikin yanayi mai cike da hargitsi, abubuwa galibi ba su da tabbas, sun rikice, kuma suna da wahalar sarrafawa ko fahimta. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana mutum ko halinsa wanda ba'a iya faɗi ko rashin tsari.

Sentence Examples

  1. And once we land on it, this whole chaotic business might make sense.
  2. Her stream of energy was clumsy and chaotic next to his, and she pulled back in frustration.
  3. He heard the chaotic battles that were going on throughout the entire room, but tried to remain focussed upon the current threat in front of him.
  4. She needed to try to make sense of her chaotic emotions, but she felt too raw.
  5. The waiting room ER was chaotic, almost like a pilgrimage of coughing and shivering people.
  6. His blood boiling, his head spinning with chaotic thoughts, Evan raced down to the end of the corridor, and into the next, and the next.
  7. The police station was home to a chaotic and uncoordinated team of undertrained officers.
  8. The chaotic spinning stopped and one face came into focus, standing out in sharp contrast.
  9. Before the first bell, the school was always chaotic and loud.
  10. Alec gave her an encouraging smile as he felt her energy become less chaotic and more purposeful.