English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na " rera waƙa" ita ce yin waƙa ko karantawa tare da maimaita kari ko waƙa, sau da yawa a cikin mahallin addini ko na al'ada. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa karantawa ko magana a cikin kari ko waƙa.

Sentence Examples

  1. As Swann climbed and chanted, her locks spilled over the blankets like sunlight.
  2. Fionn stood in the middle of the tunnel, maintaining a safe distance as she chanted the healing spells keeping Liam seemingly immune to the crushing blows he sustained in his fighting.
  3. In the town square, some of the men chanted a song to their ancestors, while another played the lyre.
  4. The same man then chanted a spell that appeared to help the dwarf recover, because the next thing Eilidh knew, the sneering dwarf had broken free and called up a huge pile of rocks to unceremoniously dump on top of the helpless wolf.
  5. She sniffed, dashed into the kitchen, gave him a wild embrace and chanted.
  6. They chanted the word over and over, as if singing a verse in some cruel playground song.
  7. The priest chanted something under his breath and the blue glow grew bright for a moment, then faded.
  8. Residents lining the streets chanted his name as the procession marched into each neighborhood, and representatives of shampoo companies began waylaying him along each daily route, offering him print ads and commercials highlighting their products.
  9. As he chanted the next couplet, his hot breath burned her ear.
  10. So, I went directly to the tracing room and with my luggage in one hand and the cat carrier in the other, I chanted the spell to take me home.