English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "ƙalubalanci" shine "gwajin iyawa, iyawa, ko albarkatun mutum; buƙata; mai ƙarfafawa." Yana iya nufin wani abu mai wuya ko kuma yana buƙatar ƙoƙari mai girma don cim ma, ko kuma wani abu da ke tura mutum a waje da yankin jin daɗinsa kuma yana buƙatar su zama masu kirkira ko sababbin abubuwa. Hakanan yana iya nuna cewa ana iya ganin aikin ko halin da ake ciki a matsayin cikas ko matsala da ke buƙatar shawo kanta. Gabaɗaya, ƙalubale yana nuna yanayi ko aiki da ke buƙatar gagarumin ƙoƙari, ƙwarewa, da ƙudurin yin nasara.


  1. ambitious

Sentence Examples

  1. Those chosen to host the large entourage, both excited and stressed, as entertaining the king or queen was an expensive and challenging honor.
  2. Planting the bugs was going to be more than a little challenging if they kept watching this closely.
  3. Lance turned and fixed a challenging gaze upon the other gang members.
  4. I decided to have a bit of fun with them by showing them my talent, pretending to close a padlock with the key and challenging them to open it.
  5. Moving at forty-four had proven physically challenging.
  6. He thought about stopping and challenging him but thought better of it on the basis that it might still be coincidence.
  7. The glass baubles presented her with a plethora of obstacles to dodge past and duck under, and the more she added the more challenging her practices became.
  8. Saving Ryder, who looked near death, was going to be challenging enough, but adding three injured humans?
  9. And in the skies overhead, almost three hundred Winged Beasties and their riders soared over the lands, challenging any and all Great Wings to battle.
  10. He was watching me, one eyebrow lifted, lightly mocking and blatantly challenging.