English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "takaddun shaida" takarda ce da aka rubuta ko bugu wacce ke tabbatarwa ko tabbatar da wani abu, galibi ana amfani da ita azaman shaidar cancanta, nasara, mallaka, ko ingantaccen aiki. Takardar hukuma ce ta hukuma wacce kungiya, hukuma, ko cibiya za ta iya bayarwa. Takaddun shaida yawanci ya ƙunshi takamaiman bayanai kamar sunan mutum ko mahaɗan da aka ba shi, manufar takardar shaidar, da ranar bayarwa. Ana amfani da takaddun shaida a fannoni daban-daban, kamar ilimi, aiki, al'amuran shari'a, da ma'amalar kasuwanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. In addition to the prizes for the best plans, each girl got a graduation certificate.
  2. He told us our house was substantially complete, so we were ready to apply for our Certificate of Occupancy.
  3. Clifford mailed me a copy of our divorce certificate.
  4. I can only imagine that James feared a scandal because once he calmed down and starting thinking, he removed the birth certificate from her purse and stuffed it in his coat pocket.
  5. I was astonished when the inspector handed me our Certificate of Occupancy!
  6. With a smile, Frank said that his work was complete because we had moved in six weeks ago, we had received a Certificate of Occupancy, and we must have received an appraisal of the value his work added to our house.
  7. First and foremost, there was a Scottish birth certificate for Robert, which listed him as only thirty years old, two years younger than Chris.
  8. Next to the birth certificate was a US passport, citizenship papers for both the US and the UK, and various other credentials, including diplomas from St.
  9. Pearl earned a one-year certificate as a Medical Laboratory Assistant, one of dozens of vocational certificates offered.
  10. Frank replied that the Certificate of Occupancy was proof that the work was complete, so they would do no more work and had to be paid in full.