English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsakiya" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma ga wasu ma'anoni gama gari: wanda yake a ko kusa da cibiyar: "Ofishin tsakiya yana tsakiyar ginin. da iko ko tasiri a kan wani abu: "Gwamnatin tsakiya ta yanke shawara." Mahimmanci ko mahimmanci ga wani abu: labari shi ne gwarzo." wanda ke da alaƙa da tsarin jijiya ta tsakiya: "Tsarin jijiyoyi yana sarrafa yawancin ayyuka na jiki."

Sentence Examples

  1. I reached the back of Central, where the fence gave way to the back gate, and waited in the shadows, checking my watch.
  2. Should have known even an offworlder would make the connection sooner or later, though no Walker had set foot in Central for over twelve years.
  3. As we came out of the Passage and headed back down the road to Central, I almost dared to think things would pass without a hitch.
  4. Though I had no idea how many magic-wielders there were at Central.
  5. KAY Go time, I thought as we left Central that evening.
  6. Ten minutes later, I stood outside Grey Sports Complex, a giant series of three-story buildings connected by a common, central entranceway.
  7. Everyone on the first floor of Central had officially gone batshit insane.
  8. Since the top floor was only large enough for his furniture, given the peaks of the slanted roof and the built-in library shelves, Lorraine sat in a central open section on the second floor between the two staircases.
  9. Derek confirmed she lives in central Pennsylvania.
  10. Central preferred reports to be handwritten, firstly because handwriting was hard to fake, and secondly due to the frequency of technological meltdowns inevitable in a place which had so much contact with magic.