English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "kama" tana iya samun ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yuwuwa: Fi'ili, yanzu ɓangaren "kama": ɗauka ko kama wani abu mai motsi ko iska, kamar ƙwallon ƙafa ko kifi. Misali: Mai wasan ƙwallon kwando yana kama ƙwallon. Misali: mura cuta ce mai kamawa sosai. Misali: Fim ɗin yana da wani shiri mai ban sha'awa wanda ya sa ni sha'awar gaba ɗaya. Misali: Tafkin yana cike da kamun kifi. Misali: Ina bukata in yi amfani da wannan karshen mako don cim ma aikina.

Sentence Examples

  1. Afterward they sat next to one another in the patch of scrubby grass, catching their breath.
  2. Scanning her, he took in her delicately embroidered sage green silk gown, the froth of dark curls crowning her head, the candlelight catching on the strands of red threaded through them.
  3. The bigger of the two wrapped his arms around her as she lunged, catching her around the waist and pulling her close.
  4. The prime responders were the ones worst hit, catching the virus from those they interacted with and spreading it on to further victims.
  5. Days in Wedowee, Alabama, were filled with saying prayers, grace and thanking the Lord for every little thing, even Uncle Jake catching that seven-pound bass in the Fayette County Lake.
  6. After catching a glimpse of Jason, the guy put his hands up defensively and backed away.
  7. Catching a sound, Liz threw a harried glance behind her, the tent flaps being closed by one of the orange-clad minions.
  8. She sure looked good standing there, the breeze catching her hair and rippling that gauzy skirt.
  9. Unable to bear it any longer, he slipped her shirt and shift up over her head as well, his breath catching at his first glimpse of her.
  10. She watched a group leave one house hung with lurid red lanterns, catching a glimpse inside of both men and women wearing shockingly few clothes.