English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cataract" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma gabaɗaya, tana nufin: ruwan tabarau na ido ya zama gajimare, yana haifar da tawayar gani ko makanta. Mai saurin yaɗuwa, mai girma, kuma yawanci wanda ba a iya sarrafa shi ko yaɗuwar wani abu, kamar cuta ko matsalar zamantakewa. Ƙofar ido. Wani nau'i na kagara ko kagara, yawanci ana gina shi a kan tudu kuma ruwa ya kewaye shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Just as Alice veiled her eyes in horror, under the impression that they were about to be swept within the vortex at the foot of the cataract, the canoe floated, stationary, at the side of a flat rock, that lay on a level with the water.
  2. It took him over an hour of solid climbing to reach the top of the cataract.
  3. They had selected this point to make their descent, having borne the canoe through the wood around the cataract for that purpose.
  4. The description of this picturesque and remarkable little cataract, as given by the scout, is sufficiently correct, though the application of the water to uses of civilized life has materially injured its beauties.
  5. Prometheus paused, halfway up the winding staircase, just before a raging cataract.
  6. Uncas did as the other had directed, and when the voice of Hawkeye ceased, the roar of the cataract sounded like the rumbling of distant thunder.
  7. From the rock of Gibraltar, now dwindled into a dim speck, the dark Mediterranean sea, dotted with shining islands as the heaven is dotted with stars, spread itself out to the eastward as far as my vision extended, until its entire mass of waters seemed at length to tumble headlong over the abyss of the horizon, and I found myself listening on tiptoe for the echoes of the mighty cataract.
  8. An approaching woman yanked his attention from the cataract as she descended the peak.
  9. Further up the cliff, the sound of rushing water emanated from a severe cataract pitching over the cliffside and down to the sea.
  10. My fall was stopped by a terrible squash, that sounded louder to my ears than the cataract of Niagara after which, I was quite in the dark for another minute, and then my box began to rise so high that I could see light from the tops of my windows.