English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "catapult" wata na'ura ce da ake amfani da ita don harbawa ko jefar da majigi mai nisa mai nisa, yawanci ta hanyar murɗaɗɗen ruwa ko murɗaɗɗen igiya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani canji ko motsi ko motsi na kwatsam da tashin hankali, ko kuma injin siege na tsakiya da ake amfani da shi don jifan manyan duwatsu ko wasu abubuwa a katangar abokan gaba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Will and Breaker began loading and firing the catapult as quickly as they could, the rocks crashing into the panicked men and horses below.
  2. As he represents the only survivor of the yacht sinking and gets involved in the search for the couple missing from a dive trip, his reawakening emotions catapult him into the chaos of sorrow and joy that are the necessary ingredients of a life lived fully.
  3. The catapult was ready, a mound of large stones waiting next to it and next to that stood Will and Breaker.
  4. Known that Mittron attempted to catapult Heaven and Hell into the final war.
  5. For although she does not avoid or shun the society and conversation of the shepherds, and treats them courteously and kindly, should any one of them come to declare his intention to her, though it be one as proper and holy as that of matrimony, she flings him from her like a catapult.
  6. The archers were firing again and the catapult was sending rocks high in the sky.
  7. Who cared about the sex lives of tadpoles or a catapult made from Popsicle sticks that could chuck an orange across a room?
  8. Like an arrow from a catapult he approaches the hippodrome!
  9. Not as Franklin expected her to hold a fragile life but as though she would catapult Tyson at any moment.
  10. Some sort of catapult was being tested, firing bags filled with soil over the wall, or, as when Gadolin was watching, firing bags into the wall.