English to hausa meaning of

“Kasuwar” wani babban katafaren gini ne ko saitin gine-gine da ake amfani da shi azaman wurin zama na sarki, mai daraja, ko wani muhimmin mutum a da. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa babban gini mai ban sha'awa ko hadaddun, ko zuwa guntun dara wanda ke motsawa cikin siffar L. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "gidan sarauta" azaman fi'ili ma'ana don tsaro ko ƙarfafa tare da katanga ko kagara.

Sentence Examples

  1. As Arantay entered the castle, a gargoyle grinned up at her and the eyelids on his craggy face blinked.
  2. It surprised me to discover Myriam Castle was one of the professors who worked for Abby in the communications department.
  3. The grass on the fields had turned purple as they neared the first castle.
  4. Castle was clearly more qualified to be running the department, but Abby had been put in the role before Dr.
  5. Castle dropped her empty glass on a tray and grabbed a fresh one.
  6. Each mesmerizing castle was different, but all were white as snow.
  7. The dragon was metres away before it arced up and away, over the castle towers.
  8. Castle considered my words, then saw my father step to the podium.
  9. Her companions were the only people outside the Fortress as they approached, although countless castle windows burned a myriad of bright colours.
  10. Castle since we would be colleagues for the next month.

TV Series Examples



She was forced to return to the castle



bound in service to Castle Black



Lord Snow here grew up in a castle



They can keep their Red Castle



You are not to leave the castle walls