English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "simintin gyaran kafa" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi, amma ga wasu ma'anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: Tsarin yin abu ta hanyar zubewa. wani abu mai ruwa (yawanci karfe ko filastik) ya zama mold kuma yana barin shi ya taurare. Aikin jefa wani abu, musamman layin kamun kifi, tare da wani motsi ko dabara.

Sentence Examples

  1. Casting a sidelong glance at Kila, Cianne watched his eyes slide from her to the chief to Burl.
  2. Stunning silver chandeliers with faceted crystal drops twinkled with hundreds of pure, white tapers, casting a warm, burnishing glow over the room.
  3. While her explanations left minor doubt over her guilt, casting her as the murderer had too many holes.
  4. She whirled, casting a shock spell towards the two new monsters, knocking one off the bridge to smear the stones below and stunning the other.
  5. A cinnamon-spiced candle burned tall and bright, casting forlorn shadows on the wall.
  6. They ate for a while without speaking, Cianne casting about for safe topics, but she no longer had any idea what was safe.
  7. Large fat candles burned in holders casting a warm glow around the room and the fireplace added its own dancing orange light to play across the floor.
  8. TB breaks away to pull off my pants, slipping them free and casting them to the other side of the room in one effort, almost knocking over a lamp.
  9. Anyone casting a glance towards him would see the brown leather jerkin, its stitching slightly frayed at one shoulder, the elbows and front smoothed and darkened with the dirt of wear.
  10. Casting around for a change of subject, I forego my earlier reticence and gesture at his newspaper.