English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, sunan Cassandra yana nufin wani mutumi a cikin tatsuniyar Helenanci wanda aka ba shi ikon faɗin abin da zai faru nan gaba, amma an la'anta shi don kada a taɓa gaskata hasashenta. Ana amfani da sunan "Cassandra" sau da yawa don kwatanta wanda ya annabta abubuwan da za su faru nan gaba waɗanda wasu ba su yi imani da su ba. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi don komawa ga mutumin da ba shi da tunani ko kuma koyaushe yana hasashen sakamako mara kyau.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cassandra sobbed from time to time, an arm around each of her children in the back seat.
  2. Before her, Cassandra had barely reached her sixtieth birthday.
  3. Cassandra knelt over Zeke, who lay stretched out on the ground.
  4. Zeke hunched over Ricky, shielding him with his body, while Cassandra drew a pistol from the small of her back, taking cover behind the door to return a rapid hail of bullets.
  5. Joining forces with his New York literary agent, a retired Aboriginal police officer, and Cassandra, an enigmatic psychic, Rogan enters the dangerous and dark world of an outlaw bikies gang ruled by an evil and enigmatic master.
  6. Cassandra nodded to Larry, handing him a suitcase.
  7. Cassandra reloaded while Larry ran at the smoking wreck of a Suburban.
  8. Cassandra hides a secret agenda and uses her occult powers to facilitate an epic showdown where the loser faces death and oblivion.