English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "cased" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, kamar yadda za'a iya amfani da shi azaman fi'ili da ya wuce, participle, ko sifa. Anan akwai wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: wanda aka lulluɓe ko an rufe shi a cikin wani abin kariya ko na ado ko sutura. in a case. Misalan yadda za a iya amfani da “cased” a wurare daban-daban. matakan. An ajiye wayar iPhone a cikin murfin filastik mai ɗorewa don kare shi daga karce da tsagewa. motsa jiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. As she walked down the hall and past the cased opening to the dining room, a figure burst from the room and grabbed onto her coat.
  2. Shortly afterwards, accompanied by several trumpets and mounted on a powerful steed that threatened to crush the whole place, the great lacquey Tosilos made his appearance on one side of the courtyard with his visor down and stiffly cased in a suit of stout shining armour.
  3. The lower part of his dress was more distinctly visible by the bright rays of the moon, which, entering through the broken ceiling, shed their refulgent beams on feet cased in elegantly made boots of polished leather, over which descended fashionably cut trousers of black cloth.
  4. At the moment musicians carrying their cased instruments headed into the building for rehearsal.