English to hausa meaning of

akwati shine: a cikin na’urar bugawa, kwafi, ko wata na’uraakwai mai ɗauke da harsashi da foda ko wani cajin fashewa, wanda aka ƙera don loda shi cikin bindiga ko wani makamiIn gabaɗaya, harsashi yana nufin ƙarami, riga-kafi naúrar da ke ɗauke da wani nau'i na abu ko na'ura wanda ke shirye don amfani ko sakawa cikin na'ura ko tsari mafi girma. Ƙayyadaddun ma’anar kalmar ya dogara da yanayin da aka yi amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. She slowly unscrewed the handle and pulled the cartridge out.
  2. Next to the oxygen cartridge hung the rebreather control board.
  3. There was also almost a full cartridge of oxygen remaining.
  4. Pati hooked the cartridge to the line hanging next to her right arm.
  5. He cocked open the flare gun, checked there was a cartridge loaded, released the safety, pointed it high above his head and fired.
  6. They displayed a feverish desire to have every possible cartridge ready to their hands.
  7. The flap of his cartridge box bobbed wildly, and his canteen, by its slender cord, swung out behind.
  8. She immediately opened the package fastened to the bus and pulled out an oxygen cartridge.
  9. The flaps of the cartridge boxes were all unfastened, and bobbed idiotically with each movement.
  10. Then she could let nitrogen from the atmosphere refill her helmet and add oxygen from the cartridge.