English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cartoon" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da madogararsa, amma gabaɗaya, yana nufin nau'in zane-zane na gani wanda ke nuna sauƙaƙan hotuna ko ƙari, sau da yawa a cikin wasan kwaikwayo, fina-finai masu rai, da shirye-shiryen TV. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga zane na ban dariya ko na ban dariya ko kwatanci wanda ke yin tsokaci a kan ko sukar wani batu, galibi na siyasa ko zamantakewa. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "cartoon" azaman fi'ili, ma'ana don zana ko ƙirƙirar zane mai ban dariya.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cute Red Fox Chalk Pastel Art Whimsical Woodland This cute poster is designed from my original, whimsical chalk pastel art of a cartoon like red fox on a soft blue and green background.
  2. Zacke imagined Billy had cartoon steam coming out of his ears.
  3. A blank, generic cartoon face was next to the name Derek.
  4. Or watch her dance to some silly cartoon on her iPad.
  5. He also tried to use American slang, particularly of the urban variety, and it made him sound like a cartoon character.
  6. Mira flipped through the channels until she found a cartoon.
  7. Then I dragged myself into my apartment with my head pounding, my body aching and, thanks to my comic book heroics in front of Connie, my hand throbbing as if it had been whacked by a cartoon hammer.
  8. Do you remember that cartoon from when we were kids?
  9. For a second, the whole table paused, and I was sure we were all waiting to see if cartoon steam would start shooting out of his ears.
  10. Magoo, the cartoon character, only this guy is wiry, alert.