English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "karas" itace itace mai tsayi, kunkuntar, kayan lambu masu launin lemu wanda ke tsiro a ƙarƙashin ƙasa kuma ana ci da shi ko dafa shi, yawanci a matsayin kayan abinci ko kayan ciye-ciye. Ana kuma amfani da shi a cikin shirye-shiryen dafuwa daban-daban kuma yana da darajar sinadirai masu yawa, musamman a matsayin tushen bitamin A. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar "karas" a misalta don nuni ga lada ko ƙarfafawa da ake amfani da shi don ƙarfafawa ko motsa wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Schutt gave us a carrot cake as a housewarming gift.
  2. Only when it could be controlled, withheld for the elite who could pay, and held out like a carrot to the masses, would it be publicized.
  3. Ann was holding the carrot with hands so thickly bandaged that they were no more articulated than wool mittens.
  4. The Bonus is the perpetual carrot being dangled in front of their eyes.
  5. The nag nuzzled Pop, and he pulled a carrot from his pocket.
  6. Once Sergei understood that immortality was the carrot, and being eaten alive was the stick, he had become quite cheerful about betraying his companions.
  7. One such carrot is what the stu-dent of the Faculty of Philosophy43 in Athens Univer-sity, Stergiou, dreamed of as well.
  8. Feeding her an extra carrot or apple was his little way of letting her know his feelings.
  9. There was a carrot for the nose, branches for the arms, and a striped hat hung to the side at a jaunty angle.