English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kafet" shine rufin bene wanda ya ƙunshi yadudduka mai nauyi, yawanci saƙa ko fenti, kuma sau da yawa tare da tsari ko zane, ana amfani da shi don rufe benaye ko matakala. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa babban kilishi ko wani abin rufe fuska mai kauri, kamar tebur ko bango. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “kafet” azaman fi’ili, ma’ana rufe (bene ko matakala) da kafet.

Sentence Examples

  1. I sigh and gaze up at Lori, dripping on my carpet outside the bathroom door.
  2. While each of the party was absorbed in reflections so different, the sledge flew past over the vast carpet of snow.
  3. We were a pack of two, running together, the forest silent except for our heavy breathing and the rustle we made crossing the decaying carpet beneath our feet.
  4. The branch, when released, sent a shower of heavy rain to soak the carpet of sponged needles.
  5. Somer let out an alarmed exclamation as the man before him collapsed in a heap on the carpet in his study.
  6. The terrain on the lower slopes is a carpet of green, sprinkled with the pretty pinks, yellows, blues and whites of the wild flowers in springtime bloom.
  7. I stand naked save for a towel before my tiny suitcase in this unusual alcove with no door that doubles for a closet, dripping on the lush Victorian carpet.
  8. When the limo rolled to a stop outside a glitzy hotel entrance and I saw paparazzi and reporters crowding either side of a red carpet, I almost threw up.
  9. Grasping a mustard yellow purse, the little old lady at the front of the line tapped her walking cane against the flat weave carpet.
  10. Parchment and ledgers littered the top of his desk, and she kept her eyes studiously averted from the carpet.