English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar nan "kula" ita ce nuna alheri da damuwa ga wasu, sau da yawa ta hanyar ayyuka ko kalmomi da ke nuna ainihin sha'awar jin daɗinsu da farin ciki. Ya ƙunshi kasancewa da tausayi, mai da hankali, goyon baya, da kuma biyan bukatun waɗanda suke kewaye da mu. Kulawa yana iya nufin kula da wani ko wani abu, kamar biyan bukatunsu na yau da kullun ko kuma kare su daga cutarwa. Gabaɗaya, kulawa yana da inganci mai kyau kuma mai haɓakawa wanda ke da mahimmanci don haɓaka ƙaƙƙarfan alaƙa da ƙirƙirar fahimtar al'umma.

Sentence Examples

  1. I feel the strain of caring too much about this small lump of rock, and without any means of making a difference the burden of care crushes my spirit.
  2. Brooke whirled, no longer knowing nor caring where her friends had gone.
  3. The education world we now inhabit is firmly behind imparting information and knowledge, caring more about adherence and compliance and little for answering our many questions.
  4. His eyes wandered the demon decorated room of their own accord, no longer caring what happened to him, wishing only for release.
  5. Jonathan, like Anthony or Nicholas, seemed to epitomise the soft, caring, and civilised side of masculinity.
  6. I slumped down, not even caring that he was watching.
  7. The tough guys showed a glimpse of their most caring side they seemed almost tender-hearted for one moment.
  8. I stood, no longer caring if movement got me hit, and grabbed the door, shoving at it.
  9. The couple there had been caring to Harry and his family.
  10. They are, in fact, very caring to anyone and everyone.