English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "a hankali" ita ce: cikin taka tsantsan da kulawa, kiyayewa don guje wa kuskure ko haɗari.

Sentence Examples

  1. I grabbed the bouquets of flowers out of my front passenger seat and carefully made my way to the front door.
  2. She dips a carefully manicured hand into her patent leather handbag and extracts her car keys, holding them up like a taunt.
  3. She nodded and he lifted her hair carefully, his eyes reverent.
  4. I held the paper carefully, willing my hands to stay steady.
  5. I reached beneath the visible world for the buzz of magic and pushed at the air, hard but carefully.
  6. Despite my eagerness to discover what has happened, I drive carefully up the steep rise that separates Máguez from Haría, avoiding the silt smears on the road.
  7. The low cliff has been landscaped, with an array of carefully chosen boulders set in a garden of agaves planted in deep picón.
  8. He carefully sipped the hot coffee, stalling for time to compose an answer.
  9. Carefully, she lifted his head from her shoulder and settled him in his chair.
  10. We pass lovely farmhouses where people reside with all their belongings, photos carefully preserved in family albums.

TV Series Examples



Think carefully before you say them.