English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kama" ita ce kame wani ko wani abu da karfi, ko kamawa ko kama wani abu da yake ƙoƙarin tserewa ko kaucewa kama shi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin yin rikodi ko rubuta wani abu, kamar ɗaukar ɗan lokaci a cikin hoto ko ɗaukar bayanai a cikin shirin kwamfuta. A wasu mahallin, hakan na iya nufin ɗaukar hankalin wani ko ɗaukar hankali.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sap oozes and I capture what I can and take it back to the kitchen where I find a clean tea towel in a drawer.
  2. I needed to ration it out among the cabins, and besides, I only wanted enough to capture their attention.
  3. Ever since the attack in his room he convinced himself daily that the demons must have given up trying to capture him.
  4. Peter Hardwood made his first mistake in believing he had little to fear from Richard Fitzwarren, who he expected to easily capture and return to Harry in exchange for his pension.
  5. They managed to capture one of the Liberati, but he committed suicide before he could be questioned.
  6. An Apprentice girl told Jed at lunch the Arch-Realmers managed to save the hikers and capture the wyverns, before taking the beasts back to their own realm.
  7. There are three I managed to capture before screaming bloody murder.
  8. Not that Evan had expected the book to tell him exactly why an evil monster kept sending his minions to capture him.
  9. Things had changed since his capture in the mountains.
  10. I make my way down through the warren of cobbled streets that is old Teguise, not taking much notice of the fine old architecture that surrounds me, buildings that on a normal day capture my interest.