English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfi" ita ce mafi girman adadi ko adadin da wani abu zai iya kunsa ko samarwa, ko iya ko ikon yin, gogewa, ko fahimtar wani abu. Yana iya komawa ga iyawar jiki, tunani, ko kuma tunani. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da shi a cikin mahallin matsayi ko matsayi, yana nuna jami'ai ko ikon doka don yin aiki ko yanke shawara.

Sentence Examples

  1. Only a few individuals, the ones born with innate talent and great lung capacity, are able to stay on tune, harmonize, and belt out lyrics that move people.
  2. Within minutes, the parking lot, which only moments before was filled to capacity with children, now stood virtually empty.
  3. They have been trained without difficulty to their present profession, and attend upon their respective owners in the capacity of valets-de-chambre.
  4. But his early insipidities show only a capacity for rhyming and for the metrical arrangement of certain conventional combinations of words, a capacity wholly dependent on a delicate physical organization, and an unhappy memory.
  5. The Tankadere still carried all sail, and was accomplishing her greatest capacity of speed.
  6. The landscape exemplifies power, raw power, the apocalyptic power of the earth and its extraordinary capacity to transcend the devastation.
  7. The capacity for abuses of that power were troubling.
  8. The General Grant was rigged with three masts, giving a large capacity for sails, and thus materially aiding the steam power.
  9. They opened up to me about the horrors of their upbringing and the degradations life had perpetrated upon them, and yet never ceased to amaze me with their resilience, their undying hope for a better life, and their unlimited capacity to love.