English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "canteen" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: Ƙaramar kwantena ko kwalbar da ake amfani da ita don ɗaukar ruwa ko sauran abubuwan sha a kan tafiya ko tafiya. Wurin da ake ba da abinci da abin sha. yawanci a masana'anta, makaranta, ko wani wurin aiki.Ƙananan kanti ko kantin sayar da kayayyaki, musamman wanda ke sayar da kayan ciye-ciye, sigari, ko sauran abubuwan da suka dace. Rukunin sojoji ko wasu sojoji. ma'aikatan da ke taruwa don ci ko sha. " yana nufin wurin da ake ba da abinci da abin sha, ko kwandon da ake amfani da shi don ɗaukar ko adana ruwa ko wasu abubuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was an elevator to the right of the reception desk and left of a canteen.
  2. She took out the pot and an extra canteen of water she used specifically for cooking.
  3. The canteen was large, four stainless steel tables were plotted around the room covered in a polystyrene white sheet.
  4. They bagged up the blankets into Megs rucksack before heading to the canteen.
  5. Harry saw the beasts infiltrating the corridor, pouring from the canteen.
  6. Chief walked to the canteen door then stopped and turned around.
  7. THE POLICE CANTEEN WAS HEAVING, the din of chatter constant, the main topic of conversation a dead man among the rank and file.
  8. Chief Ronald escorted them right from the canteen back through to the main corridor.
  9. He turned right and saw the sign on the wall for canteen.
  10. Khaly handed him the canteen and he helped Jahallah take a drink.