English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na cin naman mutane shine aiki ko al'adar cin nama ko na cikin jinsin mutum. Yawancin lokaci ana danganta shi da tsoffin al'adu ko tsoffin al'adu, amma kuma an lura da shi a wasu al'ummomin zamani. Yawan cin naman mutane ana ɗaukarsa haramun kuma haramun ne a yawancin ƙasashe.

Sentence Examples

  1. So perhaps their aversion to cannibalism had not been abolished.
  2. Cannibalism, after all, was one of the final taboos he had never broken.
  3. They stray from civilization and resort to cannibalism for food.
  4. She idly wondered whether she could ever resort to cannibalism if she was starving badly enough.
  5. Pazzo and cannibalism out of her brain for a while, she turned toward Frank.
  6. They even appeared to move without thought, as if they were drawn to murder and biting and cannibalism the way falling rocks are drawn downward by gravity.
  7. And as far as the cannibalism goes, what would you do to survive?
  8. The instinctive human revulsion to cannibalism was replaced by an instinctive drive to cannibalism.