English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "canine" ita ce:na ko dangane da karnuka ko karena ko kuma dangane da hakora masu nunin guda huɗu, musamman fitattun hakora. a cikin karnuka, yana zama ɗaya a kowane gefe na kowane muƙamuƙi, kusa da incisorskowane memba na dangin Canidae na dabbobi masu shayarwa, wanda ya haɗa da karnuka, wolf, foxes, coyotes, da jackals. /ol>


  1. canid

Sentence Examples

  1. Thrust into a canine madhouse of dominant males vying for attention was not what Lucky needed.
  2. They were all of the thinnest foreign post, and looking at them, then at him, and noticing his quiet smile, with the sharp, canine teeth lying over the red underlip, I understood as well as if he had spoken that I should be careful what I wrote, for he would be able to read it.
  3. A sleek canine head with flashing yellow eyes and too many teeth surged from out of the void.
  4. In particular, by some trick of the light, the canine teeth looked longer and sharper than the rest.
  5. At the end of this was a twisted caricature of a canine head.
  6. It is allowed, that senates and great councils are often troubled with redundant, ebullient, and other peccant humors with many diseases of the head, and more of the heart with strong convulsions, with grievous contractions of the nerves and sinews in both hands, but especially the right with spleen, flatus, vertigoes, and deliriums with scrofulous tumors, full of fetid purulent matter with sour, frothy eructations with canine appetites and crudeness of digestion, besides many others, needless to mention.
  7. His eyes were large and bloodshot, and he now had huge canine fangs protruding from his massive maw.
  8. Before he was able to turn, Chocolate leaped at him, his canine fangs leading the way.
  9. The left incisor and canine had been knocked out in a training exercise and ever the pragmatist, Rowan had replaced them with titanium.
  10. Long, two inch canine teeth, designed for slashing, flashed as his jaw widened.