English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "harabar" shine filaye da gine-gine na jami'a, koleji, ko makaranta, yawanci haɗe da azuzuwa, dakunan zama, gine-ginen gudanarwa, da wuraren shakatawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga filayen kowace babbar cibiya ko hadaddun, kamar asibiti ko sansanin soja.

Sentence Examples

  1. The powers-that-be in charge of the campus at the time had rebelled against old-world charm and preserving history.
  2. I made a note to swing by while on campus meeting Lorraine and Maggie later that day.
  3. After stopping at the campus cafeteria, I would head to Memorial Library.
  4. I also hoped Lorraine had updated Sheriff Montague on meeting Coach Oliver on campus that evening too.
  5. Most students were eating dinner in the cafeteria or hanging out with their friends somewhere else on campus.
  6. Everything became more obvious as I thought back to the last conversation he and I had on campus that day.
  7. We said our goodbyes, and I began my excursion back to campus to meet with Lorraine.
  8. I assumed he had to update my campus security clearances, which explained why he knew I was working at Braxton.
  9. Maybe I should stop by the administration office to check if she still worked on campus.
  10. Upon recovering from her worries, my mother walked toward the cable car to return to North Campus.