English to hausa meaning of

Kamar yadda yake cikin ƙamus, ma'anar kalmar "campfire" ita ce:Nau'i:Wuta ta waje da aka gina da amfani da ita don dafa abinci, dumi, ko dalilai na nishaɗi, yawanci a cikin sansani ko saitin jeji. Yawancin lokaci ana yin ta ne ta hanyar shiryawa da ƙone itace ko wasu abubuwa masu ƙonewa a cikin ƙaramin wuta mai sarrafawa. and tell ghost stories. Misalin jumla: Bayan kafa tanti, mun yanke shawarar yin taho-mu-gama a kusa da kogin.

Sentence Examples

  1. As we started our creeping pace forwards, though, the flames of the campfire flickered.
  2. Perhaps all we need is a shared campfire, where we discover the rhythm that turns our spoken words to melodies and song into dance.
  3. Hawke broke eye contact and turned to the campfire.
  4. Hawke gathered up some tinder into a pile and, from a single spark off, his flint had a campfire roaring in the blink of an eye.
  5. From our new vantage point, I caught sight of the campfire that sat in the middle of four plain cloth tents, casting long shadows all over the small valley.
  6. It was a smile filled with the warmth of a campfire at night, the comfort of shelter in a storm, the assurance of a friend unwavering and unbroken.
  7. The clearing seemed much smaller than it had last night and the fire was only the size of the remains of a small campfire.
  8. We were barely past the campfire when the sound of falling hooves reached our ears.
  9. Sir Brown Horse took off, leaping over the campfire and out of view.
  10. About twenty men and four women were milling around a crackling campfire, the spew of pop tops syncopated with chirrups of crickets.