English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "camoflaged" ita ce ɓoye ko ɓoye wani abu ko wani, yawanci ta hanyar amfani da launuka, alamu, ko kayan da ke haɗuwa da kewaye. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi ta hanyar dabarun soja ko farauta, inda sojoji ko mafarauta ke amfani da kame-kame don haɗawa da kewaye da su don guje wa gano su.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cass stood at the open door of the cabin, her pistol aimed at a long-haired man wearing a camouflaged jacket.
  2. Given how the mottled upper body camouflaged the animal, he congratulated himself on his sharp eyes for having spotted her.
  3. It looked like a landslide that had scooped out the dirt and been overgrown again, leaving it completely camouflaged.
  4. I did the same to my own hand until I felt its tingling seep into my skin, making me camouflaged.
  5. Years of overgrowth had camouflaged the abode completely.
  6. At one moment we could see her, and the next she was gone camouflaged in the environment by a quick shift in the wind.
  7. So was my kodachi which, for the moment, was camouflaged with a slight blurring of magic that made it blend into my leather pants.
  8. Slightly bigger, were the camouflaged imps scuttling around, their skin matching the leaves they frolicked in.
  9. The cold air wafted through the branches and leaves that camouflaged the opening.
  10. Her feet, in soft leather shoes, made no noise on the clean straw, and the rustle of her skirts on the wood wall was camouflaged by the noises from the beasts within.