English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bypass" ita ce ƙirƙira ko amfani da madadin hanya ko tashoshi don guje wa wani abu, kamar hanya ko hanya, ko kewaye hanya ko tsari. Hakanan yana iya nufin karkatar da wani abu ko wani daga wata hanya ko manufa. A cikin mahallin likitanci, kewayawa yana nufin hanyar tiyata da ke haifar da wata hanya ta daban don kwararar jini don kewaya jijiya da ta toshe ko kunkuntar.

Sentence Examples

  1. All he had left to do was bypass the main power leads.
  2. Then he admitted Ruby might need a bypass operation but hastily added that Quinter inclined towards betablocker medication, rehab and radical lifestyle changes at this stage.
  3. They would not have to bypass the shell of the building below, its construction equipment, the scaffolding, the plastic sheets snapping in the light breeze.
  4. It had been a little more difficult to get into the cottage this time than it had been before, but his skills were still good enough to bypass the locks.
  5. I stepped into the waiting room, wanting to bypass the woman at the desk and go directly into the treatment area.
  6. He could just bypass whoever it was and let her wander off when no one answered, but then he risked having her return.
  7. In a day of drizzling rain, they came to a loch too long to bypass.
  8. The Wizard Posh was a recluse by choice, and though he protected his valley with wards and other magical devices, she would easily bypass his security and walk the short distance to the tower.