English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "busted" ita ce 'yan sanda sun kama su ko kama su saboda wani laifi ko kuma an same su da aikata wani abu ba daidai ba ko kuma ba bisa ka'ida ba. Hakanan yana iya nufin karyewa ko lalacewa, musamman ta hanya mai mahimmanci, ko kuma ya gaza gaba ɗaya. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "busted" don kwatanta mutumin da ya gaji, ya gaji, ko ya yi amfani da dukkan ƙarfinsa.


  1. broken

Sentence Examples

  1. The hinges were broken, a panel busted in at its center as in that same vision, the door thrown open.
  2. Connor stepped out of his office, no longer looking uncomfortable in a tan suit and Braxton tie now he busted out of his sports coat and jeans.
  3. Trailing vines had grown through the busted windows and taken root in the soiled carpet.
  4. I wonder if my handsome landlord has looked at the busted pipe under my sink when I feel a set of gazes upon me the hairs on my neck have come to attention.
  5. I spun into the hall, dropping to my busted knee with a grimace.
  6. Not to feel it, to see it, busted into a hundred pieces.
  7. He busted up, and the two of them laughed for several moments, gradually shedding bits and pieces of loss and pain from around their wounded hearts like ice crystals from a windblown tree branch.
  8. Drawing in a deep breath, I hurried past the guards and the wyvern and the busted, broken-down houses.
  9. He went back to dabbing his tender and busted lip until realizing that his efforts were for naught.
  10. The man is bound to have been busted while he was buying the stuff on the illegal drugs market.