English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Busily" ita ce: a cikin aiki ko aiki; tare da babban ƙarfi da ƙoƙari; shagaltar da ko mai da hankali kan wani aiki ko aiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Despite the early hour, the street was busy with women sitting on stools busily cleaning unused bait and pieces of marine waste from seemingly endless lines of hooks.
  2. These latter being tied by the leg, to prevent their escape, were busily employed in picking up some grains of rice scattered for them in the bottom of the car.
  3. Some were busily hanging wet clothing on several makeshift clotheslines strung from wall to wall across the tunnels.
  4. Then Lance pulled away, busily pushing the hair back from his face, and stood up.
  5. Student workers busily studied or looked up naughty things on the reference computers.
  6. Villagers busily walked up and down and across the road, completing their daily tasks while the sun was still shining.
  7. After glancing toward the other dogs, busily gnawing on the beef leg bones, she bolted around the house, darted across the courtyard, opened the door, and slammed it behind her.
  8. When she entered the kitchen, she found Cal bent over the table, busily drawing symbols on a sheet of paper.
  9. As for Albert, he was busily occupied throwing bouquets at a carriage full of Roman peasants that was passing near him.
  10. After a while, he became aware of an otter working its way busily upstream, ducking into side pockets and sliding up and over small rocks.