English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙonawa" ita ce hanya ko aikin kunna wani abu a kan wuta ko na kasancewa a kan wuta. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ji mai ƙarfi ko motsin rai, kamar zafin sha'awa ko sha'awa. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da shi don kwatanta jin zafi ko zafi, kamar jin zafi a cikin fata.

Sentence Examples

  1. Suddenly he blurted the words that had been burning inside him all day.
  2. Brakes slammed and squealed and burning rubber soon polluted the air.
  3. Burning buildings flitted past, broken bodies splayed across the forest floor.
  4. Engulfed by dense, gray smoke, my eyes stung, but I continued to tug at the board while burning ashes drifted through the room and the heat intensified.
  5. She laughed a delighted laugh, but her eyes widened as the magic struck, burning a sizzling hole in the tarmac, then rebounded.
  6. She felt only a burning itch as the vein forced itself out through the palm of her hand, separating into a curling black mist.
  7. He started hacking out the burning wood, and I got water on the rest of the area round it.
  8. Letting out a breath that was half sob, she splashed some more water on her face, hoping it might do something to soothe her burning eyes.
  9. He hoisted the lady over his shoulder and dragged me out of the room as chunks of burning debris rained down on us.
  10. His eyes focused and he returned her stare, his gaze burning with intensity.

TV Series Examples



The fire is burning your pretty soft skin.



With his burning sword?



Certainly. And keep a fire burning