English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bumpy" ba daidai ba ne ko rashin daidaituwa a cikin rubutu ko saman, yana haifar da raguwa ko girgiza lokacin tafiya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin da ke tattare da matsaloli, cikas, ko koma baya, wanda ke sa ci gaba a hankali ko rashin tabbas.

Sentence Examples

  1. After driving several miles on the bumpy, gravel road Jason pulled over to the left side and pointed out his window.
  2. When I joined him, he took a few deep breaths to check his anger and began driving slowly over the bumpy old logging road.
  3. The trip back to Nairobi was bumpy but uneventful.
  4. He brought a finger to his lips, then pointed behind him at a narrow, bumpy side street.
  5. She pulled out the pendant Abesun had given her and fiddled with it, touching the texture, feeling the bumpy metallic surface.
  6. Captain Woolf had complete control of the reins, and, with his attention focused forward, the ride through the dark evening was bumpy but peaceful.
  7. The cover was bumpy leather, just like her Bible, but wine-colored instead of black.
  8. The path heading inside is rugged and bumpy and sometimes difficult for those of us on two feet with boots.
  9. His handwriting was bumpy and coarse, as if scribbled out as quickly as possible.
  10. Up in the air was a bumpy ride, the pilots were struggling with the gusts of wind.