English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "bump" tana da ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa, waɗanda suka haɗa da: Misali: Na yi karo da gwiwar hannu na a kan kofa da gangan. Misali: Mun ji kara a lokacin da motar ta taka wani rami. Misali: Motar ta yi karo a kan titin da ba a binne ba. Misali: Akwai karo a kan hanya ta gaba. Misali: Ribar da kamfanin ya samu ya yi tashin gwauron zabi bayan sun kaddamar da wani sabon samfuri. Misali: Ya gyara bass da treble akan ma'aunin kuma ya kawar da karan da ke cikin sautin. Misali: Ya yi wa abokinsa bugu a kafadarsa. Misali: Ta rike jaririn a hankali kuma ta dan yi karo da ita a kugunta.


  1. blow

Sentence Examples

  1. That ever so special friendship had hit another speed bump.
  2. She hoisted her purse on her back, turned a corner in the hallway, only to bump into someone.
  3. Drew pulled my sleeve up and put the blade against the small bump in my shoulder.
  4. Just before Tanner leaves, James enters the room, and the two nearly bump into each other.
  5. She avoided taking the route that would lead her past the Archives, preferring not to bump into Sintian.
  6. We zipped over a bump in the road, and I flew a few inches off the seat.
  7. I got a bump on it from banging into that dang front window up at the house.
  8. A speed bump lies between the flower beds and signs indicate a change in the road rules.
  9. The bump was a little smaller than a grain of rice.
  10. The small bump there had a new meaning all of a sudden.