English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zagi" mutum ne da ya saba neman cutar da waɗanda suke ganin suna da rauni. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wanda ke amfani da ƙarfinsa ko ikonsa don tsoratar da wasu ko rinjaye, sau da yawa don tilasta musu yin wani abu da bai so ba. Ana iya amfani da kalmar azaman suna don komawa ga mutumin da ke cikin wannan ɗabi'a, ko kuma a matsayin fi'ili don kwatanta abin da ake cin zarafin wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Whenever he ventured away from his mother, the bully was sure to appear, trailing at his heels, snarling at him, picking upon him, and watchful of an opportunity, when no man-animal was near, to spring upon him and force a fight.
  2. The man was nothing but a bully and had been using his position to take advantage of innocent people just like Ramiro.
  3. About a month later that same bully smashed his head and was still in a coma.
  4. Now that Alyssa had been pulled out of the school, Destiny had new reasons to bully her.
  5. And if you happened to cause said injury, you got to spend the ride back feeling like an utter bully.
  6. On their way out of the hotel, Tom saw Milly, at the edge of the mob trying to bully her way in.
  7. He had had experience in puppy fights and was already something of a bully.
  8. There was no need to bully them into shape or treat them like the ill-or-uneducated gutter scruffs that made up a sizeable portion of the British Army.
  9. Look at the years of abuse my siblings and I endured with that brutal bully of a father we had.
  10. That day he went home and thought of his childhood bully.