English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "katuwa" wani abu ne mai girma da wuyar motsi ko ɗauka saboda girmansa ko nauyi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu mai wahala ko ɗaukar sarari da yawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. While so engaged he raised his eyes and saw that his master had halted, and was trying with the point of his pike to lift some bulky object that lay upon the ground, on which he hastened to join him and help him if it were needful, and reached him just as with the point of the pike he was raising a saddle-pad with a valise attached to it, half or rather wholly rotten and torn but so heavy were they that Sancho had to help to take them up, and his master directed him to see what the valise contained.
  2. Once again Daisy was reading a bulky Braille document held together by a heavy ring binder, slowly going through a thick stack of embossed paper.
  3. Suddenly, one of the bulky figures lunged, seemingly growing in size as he knocked the smaller figure to the ground.
  4. He had the long, belted bundle that Fern had given him across his lap, and was undoing the clasps on a small bulky case I had seen tied behind our other things on Sir Brown Horse.
  5. I used its bulky arms for leverage and pulled myself onto its back.
  6. He was carrying a bulky case containing the materials and equipment he used to analyze explosive debris.
  7. A bulky man wearing leather stood over Dean, shotgun in one hand, knife in the other.
  8. The chain was bulky and heavy in her stiff, swollen fingers.
  9. Two bulky men stared down at me, a snarky grin on each face.
  10. I watched as two bulky figures advanced towards a much smaller one.