English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsintsiya" kayan aikin tsaftacewa ne wanda ya ƙunshi ƙullun zaruruwa ko bristles da ke haɗe da hannu, ana amfani da shi don share benaye ko wasu filaye. Kalmar “tsintsiya” kuma tana iya nufin tsiro mai dogaye, sirara, kore mai tushe da ƙananan furanni masu launin rawaya, wanda kuma ake kira tsintsiya ko genista.

Sentence Examples

  1. Flynn, Eva, and everybody else in the bar watched as the woman stomped over to Noel and poked him in the chest with the broom handle.
  2. Richard Parry Richard returns the garden broom and the rake to the small storeroom at the back of the garage, the patio at last free of silt and grit.
  3. I have a purpose, a broom, and majestic inspiration to pursue my vision.
  4. The cell was smaller than his room in South Kensington, but it was much bigger than the broom closet in Tufnell Park.
  5. As he got his bearing again he grabbed onto the broom and shot it out in front of him just in time.
  6. With all his strength he pushed the broom to the side and squirmed out from underneath the creature.
  7. Surrounding the police in a perimeter were angry-looking local residents, armed with kitchen knives, baseball bats, broom handles, metal poles, and tools.
  8. The shock of the blow from the hit jarred the broom from his hand and it fell to the side.
  9. They should be allowed to place what interpretation they please upon them, even if it is contrary to their true intent and meaning for instance, they may, if they so fancy, interpret a sieve to signify a court lady a lame dog, an invader the plague, a standing army a buzzard, a great statesman the gout, a high priest a broom, a revolution a mouse-trap, an employment a bottomless pit, a treasury a sink, a court a cap and bells, a favorite a broken reed, a court of justice an empty tun, a general a running sore, an administration.
  10. She could have found shelter in a broom closet she could have taken James home.