English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai haske" ita ce: Fitarwa ko nuna haske; haskakawa; luminous. Mai sauri-sauri ko hankali. Mai sha'awa da rayayye cikin hali ko bayyanar. li> Alƙawari ko wataƙila ya yi nasara. Mai farin ciki ko kyakkyawan fata.

Sentence Examples

  1. Crimson lips parted to reveal bright white teeth, too sharp for a human mouth.
  2. Maggie walked out of the kitchen wearing denim overalls and a bright yellow construction hat.
  3. His dark Alliance guard uniform made him look out of place under the bright lights.
  4. Her curly, dirty-blond hair was pinned to one side of her head with a bright crimson bow matching the color of her dress.
  5. The giant fir trees looked gorgeous with their robust green branches covered in bright snowflakes.
  6. Her skin was tan, and her blue eyes were a shade too bright to be natural.
  7. Lok looked like an angel, with his bright blond hair and kind face, whilst Tyrell resembled the devil, darkly handsome and hair black as night.
  8. The symbol shone bright and two creatures materialised either side of him.
  9. The device burst in a shower of bright, purplish sparks and sent both of us flying back.
  10. The bright lights blurred as she spun her head from side to side.