English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gada" ita ce:Noun:Tsarin da aka gina don cika cikas na zahiri, kamar kogi, kwari, ko hanya , domin a samar da hanyar wucewa bisa su. yana haɗi ko yana aiki azaman hanyar haɗin gwiwa tsakanin abubuwa biyu ko ƙungiyoyi. Sashin kashi na sama na hancin mutum. Wasan kati da aka buga tare da ’yan wasa huɗu, tare da ’yan wasa biyu suna yin haɗin gwiwa tare da su. da sauran biyun. haɗin gwiwa ko haɗin kai tsakanin abubuwa biyu ko ƙungiyoyi. Don haye ko ratsa gada. >

Sentence Examples

  1. She was halfway across the bridge when more demons emerged from the castle opposite she was trapped on both sides.
  2. The throne appeared to be hewn from the bones of many victims, like the bridge had been.
  3. Sighing deeply, she pinched the bridge of her nose and led her officers from the study.
  4. She thought Elijah was taking her to one of the other castles, but then he turned down a narrower bridge that led towards a single tower.
  5. On its other side, the bridge overlooked an amphitheatre below, where a large crowd of higher ranked Dark-Venators were gathered.
  6. Brooke could hardly stay put, there was still two demons on her tail and more pouring out of Castle-Coterie across the bridge.
  7. She whirled, casting a shock spell towards the two new monsters, knocking one off the bridge to smear the stones below and stunning the other.
  8. Out of Castle-Coterie they went, travelling across a wide cloister and over a bridge that led to another castle.
  9. As he walked across the bridge a valorc soared above him, Galk sneered at the valkyrie-orc mutant as it glided towards the heinous army in the distance.
  10. I pick my way across a pebbled path and a small, hinged bridge, the only passage over the dry and narrow moat several metres below.