English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nono" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Sai dai a dunkule, “nono” na nufin bangaren gaba na sama na gangar jikin dan Adam, musamman bangaren kirjin da ke dauke da mammary glands a cikin mata da tsokar jijiyoyi a cikin maza da mata. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga daidai ɓangaren jikin dabba, musamman na tsuntsu ko mai shayarwa. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da kalmar “nono” a cikin kalmomi dabam-dabam da ma’anoni na alama, kamar “nono tef,” wanda ke nufin cin nasara ta hanyar karya ta kintinkiri a layin ƙarshe.

Sentence Examples

  1. He at length succeeded in regaining his former station on the rim, but had hardly done so when his head dropped upon his breast, and he fell dead within the car.
  2. He could not have been more than two feet in height but this altitude, little as it was, would have been sufficient to destroy his equilibrium, and tilt him over the edge of his tiny car, but for the intervention of a circular rim reaching as high as the breast, and rigged on to the cords of the balloon.
  3. Their number would have inspired them with confidence if, indeed confidence is ever wanting in the breast of the arrant blackguard and of arrant blackguards alone are the supposed gangs ever constituted.
  4. She clutched them to her breast and died beside her mate.
  5. He cupped her breast and rubbed his thumb against her nipple.
  6. His jacket is open, his white shirt is unbuttoned at the top, and his tie is folded in his breast pocket.
  7. A few noticed me tucked against his breast and attempted to spear me through his arms.
  8. His hand cups and massages my breast while his mouth fondles the crook of my neck.
  9. He positions his head over my right breast, while his hand strokes my thigh.
  10. The Lord screamed, and there came a brilliant flash of light from the breast of his gown.

TV Series Examples



Your boy will be plucked from your breast