English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jarumi" ita ce mallaki ƙarfin hali, rashin tsoro, ko jarumtaka. Hakanan yana iya nufin mutumin da ya nuna ƙarfin hali yayin fuskantar haɗari, zafi, ko wahala. Ana iya amfani da kalmar don kwatanta wanda yake son fuskantar ƙalubale, yin kasada, ko fuskantar fargaba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ayyuka ko ɗabi'un da suke da ƙarfin hali, tsoro, ko jarumtaka.

Sentence Examples

  1. Harry squeezed the fence, the officer was brave, he was doing well, and Harry hoped backup would arrive to help him.
  2. Phileas Fogg, the saviour of Aouda, that brave and generous man, a robber!
  3. I admired her courage for trying to appear brave when she must be in an intense amount of pain.
  4. It was a little cold to be outside without a coat, but more power to her for being brave.
  5. She puts on a brave front but he knows she despises menial work.
  6. Phileas Fogg, though brave and gallant, must be, he thought, quite heartless.
  7. After all, what reason could the Seafarers have to brave the waves if not to carry other House-made goods to far-flung locations?
  8. His hands were stuffed into his pockets, but he kept his head up trying to appear brave.
  9. I put on a brave face and suggest we play a game to keep Gloria amused.
  10. Fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow, who, opening a door unperceived by the Indians, succeeded in slipping under the car and while the struggle continued and the balls whizzed across each other over his head, he made use of his old acrobatic experience, and with amazing agility worked his way under the cars, holding on to the chains, aiding himself by the brakes and edges of the sashes, creeping from one car to another with marvellous skill, and thus gaining the forward end of the train.

TV Series Examples



The brave men rode them.



No dragon. Brave men kill them.



The brave men didn't kill dragons.



# But our brave king cried, "Do your worst!



l was told that brave men