English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "reshe" ita ce kasu kashi biyu ko fiye ko rassa, ko girma cikin rassa ko sassa kamar reshe. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin ƙirƙira ko kafa rassa, ko dai a zahiri ko a misalta. A kimiyyar kwamfuta, "reshe" yana nufin tsarin aiwatar da lambobi daban-daban dangane da sakamakon bayanin sharadi ko darajar ma'auni.

Sentence Examples

  1. It still had its narrow, enclosed alleyways branching off, though.
  2. The lavender is overflowing and branching out to fill all available space in the planter.
  3. There were more roads branching out in different directions, but sign posts guided me in my journey to Rise.
  4. Corridors with arched entries lined both sides of the hall, branching off to God only knew where.
  5. The first-level corridor opened before me, branching out into countless others.
  6. The Long Wall enclosed the harbour, and Kirke followed it toward the city proper, ignoring the maze of side streets and alleys branching off from the breezeway.
  7. His first legion of Blood Paw troops marched behind him, branching off to secure the area.
  8. I took the branching street it was on and strolled past it for a closer look.
  9. No less than seven distinct scenarios from this point on, multiple combinations branching out from there.