English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "buɗe" ita ce haɗa igiyoyi uku ko fiye na wani abu tare ta hanyar ado ko kuma amfani. Sau da yawa yana nufin aikin murɗawa, dunƙule, ko sanya tsayin gashi, igiya, ko masana'anta tare don ƙirƙirar ƙirar saƙa ko tsari mai kauri mai ƙarfi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da ''Braided'' azaman sifa don siffanta wani abu da aka saƙa ta wannan hanyar, kamar su lanƙwasa, tukwane, ko igiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. For the first time in hours, Kallan altered her gaze, lifting her face to the old woman whose long, silver hair was braided back, the ends tied at the tip with a bit of leather.
  2. Her silky long hair was braided and drifted down her back like a climbing rope.
  3. A mousy woman with oversized eyes and braided hair awaits, instructing me to disrobe and slip on to the massage table underneath sheets that have been warmed for my arrival.
  4. His hair was long and pulled back in a braided ponytail.
  5. He also admired another that came in composed of fair young maidens, none of whom seemed to be under fourteen or over eighteen years of age, all clad in green stuff, with their locks partly braided, partly flowing loose, but all of such bright gold as to vie with the sunbeams, and over them they wore garlands of jessamine, roses, amaranth, and honeysuckle.
  6. Her mother had tightly braided her hair before she slept so that, upon the dawning of the morning when the braids were released, her red hair would cascade like waves over her shoulders.
  7. Tonight, she had sleeked her blond hair into a braided bun that accented her high cheekbones, drawing his eye to the sleek curve of her slender neck.
  8. The braided cord had to have gone partially through to my spine.
  9. My hair was braided tightly and coiled into a crown around my head.
  10. I was so excited I tripped on the braided hall rug and caught myself on the door handle.